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We're Germany's fairest film festival!

Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg is Germany's film festival with the fairest working conditions! During the Berlinale, the team was honored with the Fair Festival Award. The prize was awarded for the third time by the AG Festivalarbeit in ver.di at the short film reception of the AG Kurzfilm.

Call for Entries: 41st Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg

We’re excited to announce that submissions are now open for the 41st Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg and the Junges Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg Mo&Friese! You can find all further information about the submission here.

The festival will take place from June 3 to June 8, 2025. Mark your calendars for the next edition and celebrate with us.

Triple Axel 2025: Mission Impossible

The missionary had one, companies claim it and heroes and heroines are on it for ages: a mission. For our Triple Axel Competition 2025, we are particularly interested in that version of mission that seems impossible.

Award Winners 2024

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the 40th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg!

Open Air moves inside

The POST Playground becomes Hamburg's most beautiful movie theater! For the first time, we are presenting two short film programs in our large mainhall. The Triple Axel Open Air (Friday, 10 pm) and the Open Air: Paws and Claws (Saturday, 10:15 pm) are moving into the Playground. Nobody has to freeze and we can make ourselves comfortable in Hamburg's first indoor Open Air! All tickets remain valid.

Withdrawn films 2024

The following artists decided to withdraw their films from the festival and join the call issued by “Strike German” in solidarity with the Palestinian People. We respect their decision and we have decided not to replace withdrawn films. We very much hope that we will have the chance to show their works in the future.

  • Ever Since, I Have Been Flying by Aylin Gökmen
  • Neo Nahda by May Ziadé
  • We Need New Names by Onyeka Igwe

The Catalog of the 40th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg

You can download it here: Download

Kick-Off-Event, May 31, 2024, 6 pm
Pavillon der freien Künste, Rentzelstraße 36-40, 20146 Hamburg

We're joining forces! Seven festivals, taking place between June and October 2024, are uniting their efforts, with a great focus on contemporary art and both local and international networking: Altonale, Blurred Edges, fluctoplasma, Fringify - Independent Arts Festival Hamburg, Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Live Art Festival Kampnagel and Stimme X.The goal is to enhance the visibility and relevance of the arts in the city, exchange experiences, and explore ways to support each other in a sustainable and solidarity-based manner.

To kick off this collaboration and symbolize our unity, we are organizing a get-together with the festivals and all interested parties, and will inaugurate the Pavilion of the Independent Arts on Rentzelstraße. The pavilion will serve as both the festival center for Fringify and a meeting and event venue for the independent scene. The festivals will present their diverse programs before we toast together and conclude the evening with music. Drinks will be provided. The festival season can begin – come celebrate with us!
Free Admission.

Jury German Competition 2024

The Jury Award in the German Competition, endowed with 2,000 euros, is awarded by a three-member jury. The Jury 2024 is:

Jury International Competition 2024

In the International Competition, a five-member jury awards the Hamburg Short Film Award, endowed with 3,000 euros, and the Deframed Award, endowed with 2,000 euros, to a film that deals with reality in a poetic, formal, analytical and unconventional way, ignoring all rules in a forward-looking way. It also awards the Hamburg candidate for the "European Short Film" award category of the European Film Academy. The Jury 2024 is:

The program booklet 2024 is here!

You can download the program booklet as pdf to browse through (German only).

Program booklet Ticket presale

Festivaltrailer 2024 by NEOZOON

"I can't see a thing!" – From light breezes to thunderstorms, our trailer reflects what “cloudy” can look like – and how it can obscure our vision. Thanks to NEOZOON for daring to head with us into the unknown!

Selected films 2024: International Competition

27, Flóra Anna Buda, France, 2023 (Out of Competition)
3350 KM, Sara Kontar, Arab Republic Syria/France, 2023
Avaler la poussière (Swallowing Dust), Achille Bocquier, France, 2023
Boléro, Nans Laborde-Jourdàa, France/Italy, 2023
Bye Bye, Bowser, Jasmin Baumgartner, Austria, 2023

Selected films 2023: German Competition

Blue, Woman, Dress, Jinhyun Kim, Germany/South Korea, 2023
Club Bunker, M + M, Germany, 2023
COMPASSION AND INCONVENIENCE, Vika Kirchenbauer, Germany, 2024
Curro, Yalda Afsah, Germany, 2024
Das feine Zirpen einer Dunkelziffer (Silent chirping of invisible Digits), Vera Sebert, Germany, 2023

Selected films 2023: Triple Axel

0.1 g, Raymond Hoepflinger, Switzerland, 2023
6 minutes/km, Catherine Boivin, Canada, 2023
Amongst the Roots & Veins, Nikolai Azariah, United Kingdom, 2024
bath salts, Murat Haschu, Germany, 2024
Das Salz des Lebens (Salt of Life), Sebastian Vetter, Germany, 2024

It's getting Cloudy!

Our anniversary motto is "Cloudy". We focus on the nebulous, ever changing structures and various societal weather conditions. We look at ambiguities, taking in consideration the global political situation, and explore what impairs our view. With the help of filmic positions, we seek a way through these ambiguities and make visible what is hidden behind the cloud cover.

Addressing the effect of the war in Gaza on the national cultural scene

Since its inception, we, the team of Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, have seen our festival as a space of artistic freedom and freedom of expression, of critical debate and encounters characterised by mutual respect.

We are publishing this statement as a reaction to a climate which is increasingly marked by division and pressure, particularly within the German cultural sector. This has led to a palpable restriction of agency for institutions and cultural workers. We strongly oppose politically motivated interference by third parties in programming decisions as well as demands for background checks on potential participants.

We take a clear stance against all forms of group-related misanthropy, such as ableism, ageism, anti-Muslim hatred, anti-Semitism*, discrimination of LGBTQIA+ individuals, classism, racism and sexism, as well as against all forms of physical and verbal violence. Creating and maintaining conditions that foster these principles requires ongoing, shared efforts and proactive, self-reflective behaviour from everyone involved in the festival. Texts such as the present one are no substitute for this essential work, though they do offer the opportunity to take a conscious position both internally and externally.

Our scene is diverse. Our actions as political beings can take on different forms, whether loud and explicit, or in the background and implicit. We respect the decision of all those who have opted to suspend their co-operation with German institutions in solidarity with the Palestinian people. We join the unconditional demand for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all hostages.

We want to preserve Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg as a place that reflects the diversity of artistic perspectives and attitudes, so that we can continue to share different experiences with one another.

This text was formulated on the basis of the Code of Ethics of the European Media Art Festival (EMAF). We endorse the words of our colleagues and would like to thank them for laying this groundwork.

*According to the working definition of the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (

Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg x Sparclub: Feminism Solidarity

„Guten Abend, meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren. Bevor wir Ihnen aus Grenoble die Europameisterschaften im Eiskunstlauf übertragen, gestatten Sie mir einige Hinweise zur Emanzipation der Frau."
– Christiane Gehner: Programmhinweise, 1970

Erst Filme, dann tanzen: Zur Einstimmung auf den feministischen Kampftag zeigen wir Filme, die den Kampf für Gleichberechtigung spiegeln. Dazu legt m_vonderaue elegant und nicht zu schnell und basslastig auf. Tanz, Ansage, Körper – Feminism solidarity!

Donnerstag, 7. März 2024
Doors: 20 Uhr, Start: 20:30 Uhr
Slot @ fux (Zeiseweg / Ecke Bodenstedtstraße)

Call For Entries: 40. Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg

We are open! Submit your short film for the 40th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg! For the International and German Competition as well as for Mo & Friese dedicated to young audiences, all genres with a maximum length of 30 minutes and not older than two years (January 2022) are accepted. We also call for submissions for the festival's Triple Axel Competition. This year's topic is: Salt.

The festival will take place from June 4 to June 9, 2024. Mark your calendars for the anniversary edition and celebrate with us 40 years short films!

Find all details here.

Music and the City - Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg meets Sparclub @ Slot

Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg x Sparclub @ Slot: Music and the City

Der Sparclub und das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg laden ein zu einem besonderen Club-Film-Abend. Das Festival bringt ein Kurzfilm-Programm mit in den Slot Keller, in dem Film, Musik und die Frage nach dem wem und wie der Stadt zusammenschmelzen. Wir bewegen uns tanzend, diskutierend, fließend und surreal durch die ewige Stadtentwicklung: kurze Filme in laut auf der Clubanlage – I want my Shortfilm Festival on the dancefloor.

Donnerstag 7.12.2023, 20:00 Uhr
Filmprogramm Start: 20:30 Uhr, danach gibt’s Musik vom Kurzfilm Festival Team

Slot @ Fux
Zeiseweg / Ecke Bodenstedtstraße | 22765 Hamburg-Altona

Eintritt auf Spendenbasis

Into the near queer future: India Week Hamburg

Friday, November 24, 8 pm, Lichtmeß

As part of India Week and in collaboration with Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Bangalore-based curator Mithila Hegde presents a queer film program that breaks the boundaries of the binary system. Hegde focuses on artists whose protest and activism is soft and often overlooked. An eclectic mix of films - original and accessible, powerful and empathetic, experimental and accessible, poignant and heartwarming. In the presence of the curator! Supported by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media.

10th India Week Hamburg will take place from November 20 to 26, 2023. With around 70 events, it provides exciting insights into the contemporary culture and society of the Indian subcontinent.

More about the entire India Week program:

Triple Axel 2024 Topic: Salt

"Ilsebill salted" - Günter Grass once came up with this award-winning beginning to a novel. And now it's your turn: Three minutes of film with salt, please! For our Triple Axel, the competition in which you have to make a film on a given theme in no more than three minutes. Whoever manages to do that will enter the race for the audience prize (1000 euros) on a legendary night at the Short Film Festival Hamburg.
Salt is such a prominent player in idioms and language games, we can already guess how you will translate "salt" into film language: We look forward to salt shaker ballets or salt shaker thrillers, the salt on your skins, in soups and wounds ... Right? Surprise us and submit your salt film to us starting in November. In this sense: Axel and salt - God bless!

Award Winners 2023

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the 39th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg!

We are Open!

Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg starts with what it knows best: bringing short films on the screens. After a lovely opening yesterday, you can head out now to the cinemas and indulge in all sorts of carefully curated programs. You can also join our many happenings in the festival center POST, or just enjoy the sun and coffee there! If you feel a bit overwhelmed and want to receive tipps and recommendations for the program in your mailbox once a day, you can subscribe here. Or just feel free to contact us. Have good time!

Scenography of Space

Exhibition opening, text by Melike Bilir

„Mehr Licht” ("More light") Goethe said on his deathbed. As an artist and scientist, the longing for more light drove him throughout his life. Not only during the Romantic period, but throughout the ages, pharaohs and astronomers, philosophers and physicists, priests and painters have sought methods of understanding light and becoming powerful with it. Cultural history is rich in myths and legends, theories and inventions. They are all about the essence of light, as it is part of our experience and consciousness.

Light is all-embracing and touches all areas of human life. The philosophers of antiquity were the first to systematically include light in their theories. For almost 1000 years, the Platonic doctrine, which primarily emphasized the spiritual-internal dimension of light, was the basis for all subsequent lighting concepts - from optics to architecture to philosophy. With the beginning of the modern era, it was displaced and thus light was deprived of its spiritual reference point. This break marks a decisive moment in the history of light and is the basis for our understanding of it today.

Open Air: Ab in die Mitte

Samstag, 3. Juni 2023, 22:15 Uhr

Schnappt euch unsere Funkkopfhörer, packt eure Picknickdecken und Kissen aus und schaut mit uns Kurzfilme zwischen Parkbänken und Balkonromantik – das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg lädt zum Open Air!

Ticket sale

The festival program is online now! Click through 120 programs, parties, talks and events and plan your festival week using the timetable! If you already know what you are looking for, you can also buy tickets directly via our ticket system. Some programs sell out quickly, so you better be fast!

Jury International Competition 2023

In the International Competition, a five-member jury awards the Hamburg Short Film Award, endowed with 3,000 euros, and the Deframed Award, endowed with 2,000 euros, to a film that deals with reality in a poetic, formal, analytical and unconventional way, ignoring all rules in a forward-looking way. It also awards the Hamburg candidate for the "European Short Film" award category of the European Film Academy. The Jury 2023 is:

Jury German Competition 2023

The Jury Award in the German Competition, endowed with 2,000 euros, is awarded by a three-member jury. The Jury 2023 is:

The program booklet 2023 is here!

Here you can download the pdf to browse through (German only).

Perspectives on and from Germany

In addition to 133 competition films, we will also present selected, curatorial programs in the sections "Laboratory of the Present" and "Archive of the Present". This year, we continue our focus on migrant film in Germany that we started in 2022 – and also look at two Yugoslavian filmmakers and their work in and from Germany.

Festival trailer 2023 by Ann Oren

„The only thing wrong with the present is the bastard doesn’t exist, because the present is the future and the future is the past.“

This year's trailer is by filmmaker and artist Ann Oren. Her films have screened at festivals around the world - including in competition at the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg - and won many awards, including Locarno and Chicago. Ann Orens works feature characters existing in the liminal space. In keeping with the festival motto, the Berlin-based artist asks the question: What does it mean to be in the present? What is "NOW"?

View on Vimeo

Selected films 2023: International Competition

45th Parallel, Lawrence Abu Hamdan, UK, 2022
Africans With Mainframes, Kima Hibbert, USA, 2023
Afterlives, Michael Heindl, Austria/Tanzania, 2022
Alpha Kings, Enrique Pedráza Botero/Faye Tsakas, USA, 2022
Amok, Balázs Turai, Hungary/Romania, 2022

Selected films 2023: German Competition

Anima Overdrive, Andrea Winkler, Stefan Panhans, Germany, 2022
An Uncontacted Tribe, Hanna Noh, Germany, 2022
Can´t Help Myself, Anna Ansone, Latvia/Germany 2022
Der andere Tag (The Other Day), Timo Schierhorn, Germany, 2022
Dos amigos vuelven a casa solos de noche, (Two Friends Walk Home Alone at Night), Marlon Weber, Germany/Argentina, 2023

Selected films 2023: Triple Axel

A Night at the Movies, Gabriel Tempea, Austria, 2023
At Night – Mozzie, Alert Carol/Edward Lyon, UK, 2023
Big Monster, Esther Weber, Germany, 2023
Bingo, Teemu Saarinen/Karo von Rutenhjelm, Finland, 2020
Electric Manoevres in the Dark, Vera Geisler/Reinhard Westendorf, Germany, 2023


The motto of the 39th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg is going to be… ⫸ NOW! ⫷
This year‘s edition looks at contemporary urgencies and current issues reflecting the past. It’s all about the present, our actions, here and now! Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg will take place from June 6 to 11. Which raises the question: Why not right NOW?

Selection Committee German Competition 2023

Here's this years Selection Committee for the German Competition 2023:

Florian Fischer, born 1981 in Tübingen, studied communication design, photography and visual studies. He was a participant in the Werkleitz Media Master Class and Berlinale Talents. In 2017, he was a fellow at Villa Aurora in Los Angeles and currently works as an author and media artist in Leipzig and Hamburg. His film "Umbra" won the Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlinale 2019 and screened in the German Competition of the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg in the same year.

Nadine Mayer moved from Stuttgart to Hamburg to study for her Master's degree in Culture and Media Management. In 2011 she started working for the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg at the info counter, was responsible for the film market and joined the selection team for the German Competition in 2014. At the same time, she got to know the artist group "A Wall is a Screen", with whom she travels the country to project short films on walls. Her main job also revolves around moving images, most recently as a producer of documentary films for TV.

Selection Committee International Competition 2023

We proudly present: Our selection committee for the 2023 International Competition!

In her artistic films and video works, Vanessa Nica Mueller deals with questions of individual and collective memory, the human being in relation to urban space and nature, as well as with the tension between the familiar and alienation. She studied film and time-based media at Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg and at the École supérieure d'art Marseille. In addition to realizing and producing her own films, she works as a lecturer in the field of film education. In 2018 she was in Lebanon for an extended film research as part of a grant from the Goethe Institute and in 2021 she was a guest at Urbane Künste Ruhr as Artist in Residence 2021.

Sarnt Utamachote (ษาณฑ์ อุตมโชติ) is a nonbinary filmmaker, curator and co-founder of un.thai.tled, an artist collective from the German Thai diaspora with whom they curated the un.thai.tled Film Festival Berlin and Beyond the kitchen: Stories from the Thai Park. The video installation I Am Not Your Mother (2020) was exhibited at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and the short film Soy Sauce (2020) was screened at OutFest Fusion LA, Xposed Berlin and Queer East London 2021, among others.

Green Charter for Film Festivals

Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg has signed the Green Charter for Film Festivals. With this we commit to fulfill the charter and act on the sustainability of our event.

Winter Open Air zum Kurzfilmtag2022

Das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg präsentiert zum Kurzfilmtag am 21.12. gleich zwei Winter Open Air Programme.
Zusammen mit der Superbude Hotel & Hostel Altona Paradise präsentieren wir ab 17:00 Uhr ein kuscheliges Winter Open Air für die ganze Familie an der Außenwand der Superbude Altona.
Und im Hof der Fux Kaserne in Hamburg-Altona zeigen wir ab 17:00 Uhr ein Mo&Friese Kinderprogramm und ab 18:30 Uhr kurze Filme für Erwachsene.

Ihr zieht euch warm an und wir bringen kurze Filme und heiße Getränke. Das Ganze bei freiem Eintritt.

Kurzfilm Familien Winter Open Air @ Superbude Altona
Mi, 21. Dezember 17:00 Uhr
Paul-Dessau-Strasse 2, 22761 Hamburg

Kurzfilm Winter Open Air @ fux
Mi, 21. Dezember
17:00 Uhr Mo & Friese Kinderprogramm
18:30 Uhr Kurzfilme für altere Zuschauer*innen
Bodenstedtstr. 16, 22765 Hamburg

Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis 2022

Donnerstag, 17. November ab 20 Uhr
Hier im Livestream

Mehr als 250 Kurzfilme sind in diesem Jahr im Rennen um den Deutschen Kurzfilmpreis. Wer sich diesmal über die höchste Auszeichnung für das kurze Filmformat freuen kann, wird Kulturstaatsministerin Roth bei der Preisverleihung am 17. November in Hamburg verkünden.

Die Jurys Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis haben zwölf Kurzfilme für eine Auszeichnung mit dem Deutschen Kurzfilmpreis 2022 nominiert: Zu den Nominierten.

Dreifacher Axel 2023

Triple Axel Competition 2023 Topic: At night
What crawls out of your camera on the subject of night? The night train or the nightingale, a night porter or night mare? In the dark of night the ghosts come and all cats are gray. The absence of light is the sinister nemesis of the film, which without light gets lost in the black hole. So, night owls, get nocturnal!
All good things come in threes: Three minutes of film. Three spins in the air. The triple Axel is one of the most difficult jumps in figure skating. And for us, it's the competition in which the goal is to get a spin on a given theme done in three minutes or less. Whoever manages to do this will enter the race for the audience prize (1000 euros) in a legendary short night at the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg. Join the Triple Axel, topic for 2023 is: „At Night“.
We'll be accepting your three-minute pieces starting in early November. Check our website or subscribe to our newsletter for updates. Deadline for submissions is February 14, 2023. For Triple Axel there are no submission fees. The 39th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg will take place from June 6 to 11, 2023.

Open Air Mitte Altona

Kurz in die Mitte – Kurzfilm Open Air, Samstag, 3. September 2022, 21:00 Uhr, Quartierspark Mitte Altona.
Nachdem das Wetter im Juni leider nicht mitgespielt hat, kommt nun endlich der Nachholtermin für das Kurzfilm Open Air im Quartierspark.
Schnappt euch unsere Funkkopfhörer, packt eure Picknickdecken und Kissen aus und schaut mit uns Kurzfilme zwischen Parkbänken und Balkonromantik – das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg lädt zum Open Air!
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Quartiersmanagement von ProQuartier und mit Unterstützung des Bezirksamts Altona zeigen wir am Samstag, den 3. September ab 21:00 Uhr im Quartierspark der Mitte Altona ein Kurzfilmprogramm mit Animationsfilmklassikern, zum Beispiel zeigen wir die gesamte Log Jam und Athleticus Reihe.
Wer Lust hat findet Getränke und einen kleinen Happen auf die Hand bei der Blauen Blume. (Dort stehen auch Toiletten zur Verfügung.)
Die Veranstaltung findet nur bei gutem Wetter statt. Tagesaktuelle Informationen dazu sind auf der Webseite zu finden.
Der Eintritt ist frei. Sitzgelegenheiten wie Decken, Stühle u.ä. müssen selber mitgebracht werden.
Die Funkkopfhörer werden gegen einen Pfand von 10 € pro Stück ausgegeben.

Award Winners 2022

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the 38th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg!


Jury: Edwin, Florian Fischer, Andrea Lissoni, Jyoti Mistry, Caroline Monnet

Pavel Mozhar - Handbook
Jury Statement: "Political and social violence continues to dominant our lives and screens. The challenge is how to create representations of human atrocities without reproducing the spectacle of violence. Set in a sterile environment of a small room, that replicates the size of a holding cell, the testimony and experiences of incarcerated activists is recounted through a set of sobering instructions of staged physical brutality. This documentary of reenactments pushes the boundaries of the genre by employing a clinical eye on violence. The gaps demand that an audience complete the visual representation in their own imagination and this leaves one with a haunting and chilling feeling that endures long after the film is over. For cinematic excellence and a film that creates a signature language to expose contemporary political and civil violence in society through a manual of instructions for state practice as violence, the winner is: Handbuch by Pavel Mozhar."

Get your tickets!

Check out our program here, the timetable here and get your tickets here!

Fair Festival Award 2022

"Let's talk money!"
2. Fair Festival Award and Panel
Sa 4.6. | 7:30 PM | Post Playground & Livestream

The festival working group of german trade union ver.di presents the Fair Festival Award for the second time. The award honors festivals that offer fair working conditions - anonymously evaluated by the respective festival teams. The aim is to initiate a discussion about the value of festival work and film festivals.

The award ceremony will take place during the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg in the Post Playground and can also be seen here. You can also join an interactive livechat on Vimeo.

Jury International Competition 2022

In the International Competition, a five-member jury awards the Hamburg Short Film Award, endowed with 3,000 euros, and the Deframed Award, endowed with 2,000 euros, to a film that deals with reality in a poetic, formal, analytical and unconventional way, ignoring all rules in a forward-looking way. It also awards the Hamburg candidate for the "European Short Film" award category of the European Film Academy. The Jury 2022 is:

Jury German Competition 2022

The Jury Award in the German Competition, endowed with 2,000 euros, is awarded by a three-member jury. The Jury 2022 is:

The Catalog of the 38. Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg

You can download it here: Download

The programme booklet 2022 is here!

Here you can download the pdf to browse through (German only).

Ukrainian short film program at Kampnagel

In cooperation with Kampnagel and the International Short Film Festival Dresden we are showing a special event presenting the short films of Ukrainian directors. It was curated by festival director of the international short film festival Wiz-Art in Lviv Olha Raiter, who is currently staying in Bautzen. Six short films from Ukraine will be shown, reflecting life and everyday life before the war. The donations from this event will directly benefit the filmmakers* in Ukraine.

Short film programme: "In Joy and Sorrow"
Thursday, 5 May, 7pm at Kampnagel

Festivaltrailer 2022: Pham Ngoc Lan

A Vietnamese fairy tale goes like this: the wife of a soldier, at nights when he was at war, would point at the shadow casted on the wall by the oil lamp and told her son that the shadow was his father so that the child can be comforted into sleep. "The image of a shadow on the wall evokes in me something distant and primordial," says director Phạm Ngọc Lân, whom the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg invited to create the trailer for this year's "Echoes From the Near Future" theme. At the same time, the shadow and projection play is reminiscent of the way cinema works: "Similar to the story, cinema releases and incites our imagination through the images that it paints. Perhaps, we – the audience, have always been the children, somehow innocent and thirsting for stories?" asks Lân, who is considered Vietnam's new voice. His short films first celebrate their world premieres at major festivals - including Hamburg - and are shown worldwide.

Selected films 2022: International Competition

#31# (appel masqué), Ghyzlène Boukaïla, France/Algeria, 2021
2gether, Kim Ekberg, Sweden, 2022
A Human Certainty, Morgan Quaintance, UK, 2021
Amazon Woman, Anna Vasof, Austria, 2021
Anxious Body, Yoriko Mizushiri, France, 2021
Aromana, Vukan Zarkovic, Serbia/Netherlands, 2022

Selected films 2022: German Competition

1 Kilo – 3 Euro, Ani Mrelashvili, Germany, 2022
backflip, Nikita Diakur, Germany/France, 2022
Bird in Italian is Uccello, Gernot Wieland, Germany, 2021
Blind Date, Jan Soldat, Germany/Austria, 2022
Briefe an Schewik, Itamar Gov, Germany, 2021
Dead body pose, Ann Oren, Germany, 2022

Selected films 2022: Triple Axel

Blocks, Adrian Jaffé, Germany, 2022
Boxcar Wizards, Julie Goldstein, USA, 2022
Calor da Gota, Júlia Balista, Brazil, 2022
Cherchez la Femme - Ida Pfeiffer, Julie Gavras/Mathieu Decarli, France, 2021
DAMN IT!, Elena Walf, Germany, 2021
Die Meise der Pinguinin, Carsten Knoop/Dorit Kiesewetter, Germany, 2022

Gastgeber:innen gesucht!

Du lebst in Hamburg, hast Lust auf Freikarten für das Festival und zufällig einen Schlafplatz übrig? Super! Wir suchen noch Unterkünfte für unsere Festivalgäste!

Die Gastgeber:innen, die unseren Gästen immer wieder Gästezimmer, Schlafcouchen oder sogar Wohnungen zur Verfügung stellen, sind nicht nur für uns, sondern hauptsächlich für unsere Gäste ausschlaggebend für eine unvergessliche Zeit in Hamburg. Eines der erklärten Ziele des Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg ist es, kulturelle Brücken zu bauen, deshalb ist es uns (in diesem Jahr ganz besonders) eine Herzensangelegenheit, möglichst vielen Filmschaffenden aus Deutschland und der ganzen Welt einen Besuch zu ermöglichen. Dabei sind wir auf die Gastfreundlichkeit der Hamburger:innen angewiesen!

Könntest Du dir vorstellen, das Festival mit deiner Gastfreundlichkeit Anfang Juni zu unterstützen? Dann melde dich mit einer Kurzbeschreibung deiner Unterkunft und deinen Wünschen als Gastgeber:in (z.B. Sprache, Alter, Geschlecht, etc.) bei Anna und Gabriel vom Gästeservice per Mail an: Freikarten, ein spannender Gast und ewige Dankbarkeit werden dir sicher sein!

Echoes from the near future

Sneak peak at the programme 2022
In large parts of the world, what we call "future" is already a tangible reality. Under the motto Echoes from the Near Future, the 38th Short Film Festival Hamburg brings numerous of these perspectives to Hamburg and lets them echo in cinematic spaces. The aim is to identify a common future through constructive, artistic contributions from the present.

Our approach to Russian films

We, Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg und Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg, condemn Russia's war of aggression in its entirety, which is contrary to international law, and express our explicit solidarity with Ukraine, its population and all those involved in the cultural sector.

(Short) films have a political impact; we see ourselves as a platform for political discursive exchange that constitutes democratic societies. As a festival, we invite filmmakers from all countries to share their perspectives and stimulate dialogue.

For us, the reaction to the Russian war of aggression cannot be an origin-based boycott of Russian filmmakers. Especially now, isolation or repression are the wrong signal for independent filmmakers, also because they must not be deprived of the opportunity to make oppositional perspectives visible.

We sincerely hope that the cruel war in Ukraine will come to an end as soon as possible.

Selection Committee German Competition 2022

Here's this years Selection Committee for the German Competition:

Nadine Mayer moved from Stuttgart to Hamburg to study for her Master's degree in Culture and Media Management. In 2011 she started working for the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg at the info counter, was responsible for the film market and joined the selection team for the German Competition in 2014. At the same time, she got to know the artist group "A Wall is a Screen", with whom she travels the country to project short films on walls. Her main job also revolves around moving images, most recently as a producer of documentary films for TV.

Stine Wangler studied at Leuphana University in Lüneburg and at Glamorgan University in Wales. She wrote her thesis in cultural studies about short films on the internet. Since 2012 she has been working at the Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg and is responsible for world sales and purchase of licenses for short films. On the side, she occasionally works as a photographer. Since 2013, she has been a viewing member of the German Competition at the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg.

Selection Committee International Competition 2022

We proudly present: Our selection committee for the 2022 International Competition!

Sarnt Utamachote (ษาณฑ์ อุตมโชติ) is a nonbinary filmmaker, curator and co-founder of un.thai.tled, an artist collective from the German Thai diaspora with whom they curated the un.thai.tled Film Festival Berlin and Beyond the kitchen: Stories from the Thai Park. The video installation I Am Not Your Mother (2020) was exhibited at the International Film Festival Rotterdam and the short film Soy Sauce (2020) was screened at OutFest Fusion LA, Xposed Berlin and Queer East London 2021, among others.

Nora Molitor studied Intercultural Communication, Spanish and History in Saarbrücken and Paris. She works for international literature, film and theater projects and festivals, including the Max Ophüls Festival, the Berlin International Literature Festival, the German-French stage festival Perspectives and Berlinale Forum Expanded. Jury activities for the FCDEP (Paris) and BIEFF (Bucharest). She also supervises the Border Crossers Program of the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Literary Colloquium Berlin. She is co-founder of transdemo e.V., member of LaborBerlin e.V. and curates and coordinates interdisciplinary projects in Berlin's independent scene.

Triple Axel Competition 2022

Call for Entries! Topic 2022: On very thin ice
All good things come in threes. Three minutes of film. Three spins in the air. The triple Axel is one of the most difficult jumps in figure skating. And in our competition, it's a matter of getting a spin on a given theme in no more than three minutes. Whoever manages to do this goes into the race for the audience's prize and € 1,000 in a legendary short night. So join in the triple Axel, the theme for 2022 is: On very thin ice.
Steep theses, risky moves, unknown terrain, dangerous societies - we leave it up to you to decide how or where you venture onto very thin ice, but we are counting on your proven associative creativity. The deadline for submitting your three-minute stories on this topic is February 14, 2022. There are no submission fees for the triple Axel competition. You can submit via Shortfilmdepot or Filmfreeway.

Kurzfilm in Hamburg. Wir empfehlen:

Diesen Sommer präsentieren wir eine Vielzahl von Kurzfilm Programmen in Hamburg und anderswo. Hier unsere aktuellen Empfehlungen:

Donnerstag 19. August im Rahmen des Filmraum Open Airs in Eimsbüttel:
Lighthouse Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg: Zurück auf die Leinwand! Aus bekannten Gründen konnte das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg seine letzten beiden Ausgaben nicht wie gewohnt im Kino – unter anderem normalerweise im Filmraum – präsentieren. Nun aber heißt es: Zurück auf die Leinwand. Beim Filmraum Open Air zeigt das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg eine Auswahl an Kurzfilmen aus den letzten beiden Jahren die bisher in Hamburg nicht auf der grossen Leinwand zu sehen waren, dort aber hingehören. Es wird international, hamburgisch, laut, leise, bunt, schwarz/weiß und vor allem aber alles andere als langweilig. Denn der Kurzfilm zeigt was geht wenn man über den Tellerrand blickt und ganz unkonformistisch ans Thema Filmemachen ran tritt.
Filmstart: 21:00 Uhr, Eintritt € 9,- (nur Abendkasse)

Lighthouse: Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg presents

Lighthouse: Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg präsentiert...
Diesen Sommer sind wir bei verschiedenen Veranstaltungen mit einer Auswahl von Kurzfilm Programmen zu Gast. Hier die aktuellsten:

7. August
Lighthouse @ fux Lichtspiele Open Air: Die Stadt von Morgen
Zu Gast bei den fux Lichtspielen in Hamburg-Altona (Bodenstedtstr. 16), Beginn 21:00 Uhr, Tickets nur an der Abendkasse, Kontaktdaten müssen am Einlass angegeben werden.
“Architektur war meine Art, meine Ideale auszudrücken:
Einfach zu sein, eine Welt zu schaffen, die allen gleich ist, Menschen optimistisch anzusehen,
dass jeder ein Geschenk hat. Ich will nichts als allgemeines Glück. Warum ist das so schlimm?", fragt Oscar Niemeyer,
einer der größten Architekten und Stadtplaner des 20. Jahrhunderts. Wir blicken auf Orte, die einst als neue, menschenfreundliche Visionen von Stadt geplant waren. Wir schauen auf zweckgerichtete Räumen und ihrer Umnutzung, wirtschaftsfreundlicher Stadtplanung und künstlerischem Widerstand, architektonische Visionen und ihre aktuelle Realität. Ein Kurzfilmprogramm.

Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg - Fair Festival

Fair Festival Label für das Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg!
Im Rahmen des Filmfest Dresden vergab die Arbeitsgruppe Festivalarbeit in ver.di zum ersten Mal der Fair Festival Award vergeben. Der Fair Festival Award für das fairste Filmfestival Deutschland geht an unsere Kolleg:innen vom Filmfest Lünen, Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Wir freuen uns sehr, unter den fünf deutschen Festivals zu sein, die nun das Label "Fair Festival" tragen dürfen da sie sich durch ihre "Fairness Performance" in den Kategoriene Vertrag, Arbeitsbedingungen, Kommunikation, Führung, Arbeitsklima, Mitbestimmung, Chancengleichheit, Gleichbehandlung und Entlohnung auszeichnen.
„Das gesamte Team des Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg und wir freuen uns sehr über die Bewertung als "Faires Festival“. Für uns beweist dies, dass die Art und Weise, wie wir an die Festivalarbeit herangehen, richtig ist und wir würden sehr gerne unsere Arbeitsweise und unsere Ideen mit anderen teilen, um Teil einer Bewegung zu sein, in der faire Arbeitsbedingungen in der Filmfestivalwelt zur "Neuen Normalität." werden.“
Sven Schwarz und Maike Mia Hoehne - Leitung Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg
Zur vollständigen Presse-Mitteilung geht es hier

Danke & Save the Date

The festival is coming to an end and we look back on a successful, exciting and diverse festival week. We would like to thank all filmmakers, participants and the audience for making the first digital edition of the festival a real ONLINE HAPPENING! Also: Thanks to the best team this festival edition was special in many ways and we all had to go a little extra mile but you always went there with an extra smile, thank you all for making this happen!

We look forward to the 38th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg from 31 May to 6 June 2022! And we can’t wait to see you all back in the cinemas and on the dance floor in the POST.

Let's stay together: Newsletter

Awards 2021

We are very pleased to announce the winners of the 37th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg! All award-winning films can now be seen in the programme Preisträger:innen 2021.


Mouaad el Salem - This Day Won't Last
Jury Statement: "A strong, unanimous decision by the jury to award the Hamburg Short Film Award to This Day Won't Last. Mouaad el Salem's film takes us into the hiding places of those who are not visible, whose story does not belong to the official narrative, whose voice whispers but is not the one that speaks. Filmmaking in its most necessary form. This Day Won't Last is an urgent film in style and substance, equally gentle and powerful in its exploration of sexuality and the right of all people to live freely. An ingeniously edited composition, ranging from dreams and metaphors to everyday accounts, reveals historically and systemically repressed feelings as fear in a very immediate way."

Olga Lucovnicova - Nanu Tudor (My Uncle Tudor).
Jury Statement: "Very slowly, almost tenderly and imperceptibly, she pulls the rug out from under our feet. A disturbing piece of family history told with rarely seen directness that sticks. My Uncle Tudor is an unflinching and courageous look into the rarely spoken violence of the family environment. With simple means, this touching film proves that great cinema is possible on a small budget." The Deframed Prize, endowed with 2,000 euros, is awarded by the International Jury to a film that deals with reality in a poetic, formal, analytical and unconventional way, ignoring all rules in a forward-looking way.

Kristin Johannessen - Minnen (Memories)


The first Online Happening of the festival is coming to an end and we are closing the festival week with a digital award ceremony. The Hamburg independent band Estrellas de Carla will set the tone. The Hamburg artist Valentin Alscher has sculpted the ceramic bowls that will be handed over to the winners virtually and filled with prize money by the juries. After the award ceremony, the freshly awarded films can be streamed until Monday, 7 June.

STREAM: Award ceremony
STREAM: Awarded Films 2021

Dance to the end of love

Open Space: Akram Zaatari
The exhibition is now open!
Book a timeslot & come by

A recording of the opening talk by Akram Zaatari and Anderea Lissoni (Haus der Kunst in Munich) is available here.

It is not necessary to show a negative covid-19 result to attend the exhibition.


We invite you to the opening on Tuesday, 1 June 2021 at 7pm. Not as usual in the cinema and therefore very different: we rush through films, stand on buckets in the green screen, dance to FeministExperimentalHipHopRnBPop and let Auge Altona beam us through the universe of this year's festival. On board: the festival directors, Maike Mia Höhne and Sven Schwarz, Alexandra Gramatke from the Kurzfilm Agentur Hamburg, the Senator for Culture Dr. Carsten Brosda and the Hamburg music collective One Mother.

STREAM: Here - free of charge and without registration
LIVE HAPPENING: The performance of One Mother cannot be viewed afterwards!


STREAM: Here you can access the stream of all programmes - or directly via the "Online Streaming" button at the respective programme. The film programmes are only available in Germany.

LIVE HAPPENINGS - TALKS: Here ou can access the live stream of the festival. No registration is necessary for film talks, the Forum conversations. The talks are free of charge, can be accessed worldwide and are only available live at the respective streaming time.

TICKETS: Tickets and information on ticket options are available here. If you want to buy a single ticket: 1. browse here, 2. select the respective film programme, 3. choose between single ticket (1 person) or softa tickets (several persons).

OPEN SPACE: The exhibition is open to visitors: Just go to registration and find more information about the venue here.

GATHER: Here we meet in the virtual festival centre

#kurzfilm_hamburg in a nutshell

Who, what, how, why? An insight into this year's programme with Maike Mia Höhne, pirouettes and unplastered walls - come and see, celebrate with us! (German only)

The Catalog of the 37th Film Festival Hamburg is online

Please download here: Download

Our programme booklet is here!

Here you can download it to browse through.

Festivaltrailer: Flóra Anna Buda


»I hope that money, coolness and competition will have less importance in our life«
Maike Mia Höhne, artistic director of the Short Film Festival Hamburg, in conversation with Flóra Anna Buda

Seltected Films: International Competition

Al motociclista no le cabe la felicidad en el traje • Gabriel Herrera • Mexico 2021
Amaryllis – A Study • Jayne Parker • Great Britain 2020
Bambirak • Zamarin Wahdat • USA, Germany 2020
Bébé Colère • Jonathan Vinel, Caroline Poggi • France, Italy 2021
Because the Sky is Blue • Wenhua Shi • China, USA 2020
Deine Strasse • Güzin Kar • Switzerland 2020
Die seismische Form • Antoinette Zwirchmayr • Austria 2020
Écoutez le battement de nos images • Maxime Jean-Baptiste, Audrey Jean-Baptiste • France, French Guiana 2021
Erde essen • Laura Weissenberger • Austria 2021
Filles bleues, peur blanche • Lola Halifa-Legrand Halifa-Legrand, Marie Jacotey • France 2020
Flowers blooming in our throats • Eva Giolo • Belgium, Italy 2020

Selected Films: German Competition

Adrenochrom · Daniel Hopp · Germany 2020
AIVA · Veneta Androva · Bulgaria, Germany 2020
American Express · Häly Heinecker · Germany 2020
ANDERS · Nanna Maria Wibholm · Germany, Denmark 2020
BAB7 · Nizan Kasper · Germany 2020
Biting the dust · NEOZOON · Germany 2021
Centauress · Deniz Şimşek · Germany, Turkey 2020
disjointed · Clara Helbig · Great Britain, Germany 2020
Es wird Schuhe regnen (It Will Rain Shoes) · Mariola Brillowska · Germany 2021
Ewig Gast (Eternal Guest) · Maximilian Karakatsanis · Germany 2020
Das Glitzern im Barbieblut (Glittering Barbieblood) · Ulu Braun · Germany 2021
Der Heinz, der gräbt ein Loch in ein Stück Land · Karsten Krause · Germany 2021
Die klaffende Wunde (The Gaping Wound) · Jovana Reisinger · Germany 2020

Selected Films: Triple Axel

10-lagige Katastrophe · Tim Bero Kauff · Germany 2021
999 · Vincent Leplat · France 2021
Anatomie eines Weltverständnisses · Alexander Fischer (aka Peskador) · Germany 2020
Armor Man · Alex Glawion · Germany 2020
BENZTOWN · Gottfried Mentor · Germany 2021
Classe Verte (Environment 101) · Lucas Zef, Arsène Chabrier · France 2020
Distance Film · Siegfried A. Fruhauf · Austria 2020
Dollar or Egyptian Pound? · Nadim Suleiman · Egypt 2020
Edge of Doom · Michaela Grill, Sophie Trudeau · Austria, Canada 2020
Fals Che Trennung · Dorit Kiesewetter, Carsten Knoop · Germany 2021
Fire · Gauri Bhonsle · India/USA 2020
Flamenco · Paulo Scatena · Germany 2021


Shorts programme The Need to Dance - 20 till 25 May

New program format of the Kurzfilmagentur Hamburg: We Love it Short

Stream here for 5 Euros.

I am because we are 12.04.2021

The Hamburg Short Film Festival will take place from 1 June to 7 June. This year’s motto is I AM BECAUSE WE ARE, based on Ubuntu, South Africa’s philosophy of unity. I can only be, really be, when we all are. We, as a society, must ask ourselves the question of solidarity within the small and the big picture. Culture is one of the decisive motors that keeps us, as a society, together. The collective experience of something that is bigger than its individual constituents.
The trailer for the 37th Short Film Festival was animated by the Hungarian artist Flóra Anna Buda and it shines in bright colours and picks up the festival’s motto. More and more circles encounter each other, the flickering becomes a light, a shining beacon. Life goes on! This year will be digital and analogue, together, solidary and filled with the thrill of anticipation of things to come.

ESA OPEN CALL 05.04.2021

Together with the European Space Agency (ESA) we invite screenwriters to submit proposals for short films about European space exploration. So if you have an idea for e.g. an animation film set on the moons of Mars, a documentary about the ExoMars rover or a coming-of-age film about a Martian girl who travels back to Earth to discover her roots, then submit your idea!

Candidates submit their proposal through the application form on this website.

More News

Looking for older news? You can find them here.


Wir vergeben vom 17. April bis 16. Juni 2023 einen vergüteten Praktikumsplatz in Vollzeit für Auszubildende und Studierende!

Du erhältst Einblick in Planung, Organisation und Durchführung eines internationalen Festivals, insbesondere in den Bereichen:

● Festivalmanagement und Verwaltung
● Inhaltliche Redaktion und Programmplanung
● Veranstaltungsplanung, -aufbau und -durchführung (Open Airs, Festival & Festivalzentrum, Ausstellung)
● Gästemanagement und Kooperationen

Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung bis zum 1. März 2023!

Ausschreibung (PDF)

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