Dreifacher Axel 2023 share
Triple Axel Competition 2023 Topic: At night
What crawls out of your camera on the subject of night? The night train or the nightingale, a night porter or night mare? In the dark of night the ghosts come and all cats are gray. The absence of light is the sinister nemesis of the film, which without light gets lost in the black hole. So, night owls, get nocturnal!
All good things come in threes: Three minutes of film. Three spins in the air. The triple Axel is one of the most difficult jumps in figure skating. And for us, it's the competition in which the goal is to get a spin on a given theme done in three minutes or less. Whoever manages to do this will enter the race for the audience prize (1000 euros) in a legendary short night at the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg. Join the Triple Axel, topic for 2023 is: „At Night“.
We'll be accepting your three-minute pieces starting in early November. Check our website or subscribe to our newsletter for updates. Deadline for submissions is February 14, 2023. For Triple Axel there are no submission fees. The 39th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg will take place from June 6 to 11, 2023.