Elf Mal Morgen: Berlinale Meets Fußball

Eleven Tomorrows: Berlinale Meets Football

So, 09.06. 17:00
Zeise 1 Tickets

Mit der Kurzfilm-Kompilation »Elf Mal Morgen: Berlinale Meets Fußball« beteiligte sich die Berlinale am Kulturprogramm zur Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2024 in Deutschland. Für das Projekt wurden elf dokumentarische Kurzfilme über elf sehr unterschiedliche Jugendmannschaften in Auftrag gegeben, die von Studierenden der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München gemeinsam mit den Teams und unter der Leitung von Benedetta Films realisiert wurden. Beteiligt sind Mannschaften aus den Vereinen FC Internationale Berlin 1980 e. V. (Regie: Eva Gemmer), FC Español München e. V. (Regie: Hannah Jandl), FC Ingolstadt 04 (Regie: Kilian Armando Friedrich), Athletic Sonnenberg e. V. (Regie: Sophie Mühe), FFC Wacker München 99 e. V. (Regie: Anna-Maria Dutoit), SG Crostwitz 1981 e. V. (Regie: Justina Jürgensen), ISC AlHilal Bonn (Regie: Hilarija Ločmele), TSV Maccabi München e. V. (Regie: Daniela Magnani Hüller), Türkiyemspor Berlin 1978 e. V. (Regie: Marie Zrenner), K.S. Polonia Hamburg e. V. 1988 (Regie: Maximilian Bungarten) und SV 67 Weinberg e. V. (Regie: Indira Geisel).

Veranstaltung in deutscher Sprache.
Deutsche Audiodeskription und Untertitel sind über die App Greta zugänglich.

The Berlinale 2024 was contributing to the cultural program of the European Football Championship, which is being hosted by Germany this year, with the compilation film »Eleven Times Tomorrow: Berlinale Meets Football«. For this project, eleven short documentaries have been commissioned about eleven very different youth football teams. The films have been made by students at the Munich University of Television and Film in collaboration with the football teams themselves and Benedetta Films as the producers. Teams from the following clubs are involved: FC Internationale Berlin 1980 (directed by Eva Gemmer), FC Español München (directed by Hannah Jandl), FC Ingolstadt 04 (directed by Kilian Armando Friedrich), Athletic Sonnenberg (directed by Sophie Mühe), FFC Wacker München 99 (directed by Anna-Maria Dutoit), SG Crostwitz 1981 (directed by Justina Jürgensen), ISC AlHilal Bonn (directed by Hilarija Ločmele), TSV Maccabi München (directed by Daniela Magnani Hülser), Türkiyemspor Berlin 1978 (directed by Marie Zrenner), K.S. Polonia Hamburg 1988 (directed by Maximilian Bungarten) and SV 67 Weinberg (directed by Indira Geisel).

Event in German. German audio description and subtitles are available via the Greta app.

Elf Mal Morgen: Berlinale Meets Fußball (Eleven Tomorrows: Berlinale Meets Football)
Deutschland 2024 | Farbe | 01:46:00 | Deutsch, Russisch, Sorbische Sprachen, Ukrainisch

Elf Mal Morgen: Berlinale Meets Fußball (Eleven Tomorrows: Berlinale Meets Football)
Germany 2024 | Color | 01:46:00 | German, Russian, Sorbian languages, Ukrainian

The Berlinale 2024 was contributing to the cultural program of the European Football Championship, which is being hosted by Germany this year, with the compilation film »Eleven Times Tomorrow: Berlinale Meets Football«. For this project, eleven short documentaries have been commissioned about eleven very different youth football teams. The films have been made by students at the Munich University of Television and Film in collaboration with the football teams themselves and Benedetta Films as the producers. Teams from the following clubs are involved: FC Internationale Berlin 1980 (directed by Eva Gemmer), FC Español München (directed by Hannah Jandl), FC Ingolstadt 04 (directed by Kilian Armando Friedrich), Athletic Sonnenberg (directed by Sophie Mühe), FFC Wacker München 99 (directed by Anna-Maria Dutoit), SG Crostwitz 1981 (directed by Justina Jürgensen), ISC AlHilal Bonn (directed by Hilarija Ločmele), TSV Maccabi München (directed by Daniela Magnani Hülser), Türkiyemspor Berlin 1978 (directed by Marie Zrenner), K.S. Polonia Hamburg 1988 (directed by Maximilian Bungarten) and SV 67 Weinberg (directed by Indira Geisel).

Regie: Director: Various Filmmakers
Verleihfirma: Distributor: verleih@shortfilm.com

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